The psychology of working together

The first thing you want to do whenever anybody TELLS you to do something is not do it. There’s nothing motivational about being screamed at, yelled at and having demands made of you. It’s totally understandable that some fitness experts believe this to be the way forward, but really, when you think about it… does this motivate you? In any relationship, being told what to do is not constructive and instantly builds resistance. For both Personal Trainer and the person in training, it’s important to listen to what the other one is saying. A mutual understanding of what each person expects from the other one will get fantastic results. The most important thing here is for this to be reciprocal. As a Personal Trainer it’s important to know what really matters to the person you’re training and what will motivate them without the need of screaming at them. As the person training, you need to understand that your Trainer is there to help, not to badger you, and that they want the results just as much as you do. It’s this connection that will see the best results for both parties. What motivates one person may not motivate the other, so take time to listen to the needs of the person you are training. When working under the guidance of someone else, be clear about what your goals are and what your main point of inspiration is. The clearer the relationship between the trainer and the trainee, the quicker, easier and happier you’ll both reach your goals.

About Andrew Simmons

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